• 全局变量


    Global variables


    A global variable has a name beginning with $.


    It can be referred to from anywhere in a program. Before initialization, a global variable has the special value nil.


    1. ruby> $foo
    2. nil
    3. ruby> $foo = 5
    4. 5
    5. ruby> $foo
    6. 5

    Global variables should be used sparingly.


    They are dangerous because they can be written to from anywhere.


    Overuse of globals can make isolating bugs difficult; it also tends to indicate that the design of a program has not been carefully thought out.


    Whenever you do find it necessary to use a global variable, be sure to give it a descriptive name that is unlikely to be inadvertently used for something else later (calling it something like $foo as above is probably a bad idea).


    One nice feature of a global variable is that it can be traced; you can specify a procedure which is invoked whenever the value of the variable is changed.


    1. ruby> trace_var :$x, proc{puts "$x is now #{$x}"}
    2. nil
    3. ruby> $x = 5
    4. $x is now 5
    5. 5

    When a global variable has been rigged to work as a trigger to invoke a procedure whenever changed, we sometimes call it an active variable.


    For instance, it might be useful for keeping a GUI display up to date.


    There is a collection of special variables whose names consist of a dollar sign ($) followed by a single character.


    For example, $$ contains the process id of the ruby interpreter, and is read-only. Here are the major system variables:


    标识符 类型
    $! 最新的错误消息
    $@ 错误的位置
    $_ 最后读取的字符串
    $. 解释器读取的最后的行号
    $& 最后匹配的正则表达式字符串
    $~ 最后的正则表达式匹配,子表达式数组
    $n 最后匹配的第N个子表达式 (同$~[n])
    $= 不区分大小写的标记
    $/ 输入记录分隔符
    $\ 输出记录分隔符
    $0 Ruby脚本文件的名字
    $* 命令行参数
    $$ 解释器进程ID
    $? 执行子进程的最后退出状态

    In the above, $_ and $~ have local scope.


    Their names suggest they should be global, but they are much more useful this way, and there are historical reasons for using these names.


    上一章 变量
    下一章 实例变量