• 迭代器




    Iterators are not an original concept with ruby.


    They are in common use in object-oriented languages.


    They are also used in Lisp, though there they are not called iterators. However the concept of iterator is an unfamiliar one for many so it should be explained in more detail.


    The verb iterate means to do the same thing many times, you know, so an iterator is something that does the same thing many times.


    When we write code, we need loops in various situations. In C, we code them using for or while. For example,


    1. char *str;
    2. for (str = "abcdefg"; *str != '\0'; str++) {
    3. /* process a character here */
    4. }

    C’s for(…) syntax provides an abstraction to help with the creation of a loop, but the test of *str against a null character requires the programmer to know details about the internal structure of a string.


    This makes C feel like a low-level language. Higher level languages are marked by their more flexible support for iteration. Consider the following sh shell script:


    1. #!/bin/sh
    2. for i in *.[ch]; do
    3. # ... 这里是对每个文件要执行的操作
    4. done

    All the C source and header files in the current directory are processed, and the command shell handles the details of picking up and substituting file names one by one. I think this is working at a higher level than C, don’t you?


    But there is more to consider: while it is fine for a language to provide iterators for built-in data types, it is a disappointment if we must go back to writing low level loops to iterate over our own data types. In OOP, users often define one data type after another, so this could be a serious problem.


    So every OOP language includes some facilities for iteration. Some languages provide a special class for this purpose; ruby allows us to define iterators directly.


    Ruby’s String type has some useful iterators:


    1. ruby> "abc".each_byte{|c| printf "<%c>", c}; print "\n"
    2. <a><b><c>
    3. nil

    each_byte is an iterator for each character in the string. Each character is substituted into the local variable c. This can be translated into something that looks a lot like C code …


    1. ruby> s="abc";i=0
    2. 0
    3. ruby> while i<s.length
    4. | printf "<%c>", s[i]; i+=1
    5. | end; print "\n"
    6. <a><b><c>
    7. nil

    … however, the each_byte iterator is both conceptually simpler and more likely to continue to work even if the String class happens to be radically modified in the future.


    One benefit of iterators is that they tend to be robust in the face of such changes; indeed that is a characteristic of good code in general. (Yes, have patience, we’re about to talk about what classes are, too.)


    Another iterator of String is each_line.


    1. ruby> "a\nb\nc\n".each_line{|l| print l}
    2. a
    3. b
    4. c
    5. nil

    The tasks that would take most of the programming effort in C (finding line delimiters, generating substrings, etc.) are easily tackled using iterators.


    The for statement appearing in the previous chapter does iteration by way of an each iterator. String’s each works the same as each_line, so let’s rewrite the above example with for:


    1. ruby> for l in "a\nb\nc\n"
    2. | print l
    3. | end
    4. a
    5. b
    6. c
    7. nil

    We can use a control structure retry in conjunction with an iterated loop, and it will retry the loop from the beginning.


    1. ruby> c=0
    2. 0
    3. ruby> for i in 0..4
    4. | print i
    5. | if i == 2 and c == 0
    6. | c = 1
    7. | print "\n"
    8. | retry
    9. | end
    10. | end; print "\n"
    11. 012
    12. 01234
    13. nil

    Replacing retry in the above example with redo causes just the current iteration of the loop to be redone, with this output:


    yield occurs sometimes in a definition of an iterator.


    yield moves control to the block of code that is passed to the iterator (this will be explored in more detail in the chapter about procedure objects).


    The following example defines an iterator repeat, which repeats a block of code the number of times specified in an argument.


    1. ruby> def repeat(num)
    2. | while num > 0
    3. | yield
    4. | num -= 1
    5. | end
    6. | end
    7. nil
    8. ruby> repeat(3) { puts "foo" }
    9. foo
    10. foo
    11. foo
    12. nil

    With retry, one can define an iterator which works something like ruby’s standard while.


    1. ruby> def WHILE(cond)
    2. | return if not cond
    3. | yield
    4. | retry
    5. | end
    6. nil
    7. ruby> i=0; WHILE(i<3) { print i; i+=1 }
    8. 012 nil

    Do you understand what an iterator is? There are a few restrictions, but you can write your original iterators; and in fact, whenever you define a new data type, it is often convenient to define suitable iterators to go with it.


    In this sense, the above examples are not terribly useful. We can talk about practical iterators after we have a better understanding of what classes are.


    上一章 流程控制
    下一章 面向对象的思考